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By default, we don't allow the user to send any data to create or update a record, because of security issues. If you want to allow what kind of data can be filled, you should use fillable getter in your model.

import { Model } from "axe-api";

class Users extends Model {
  get fillable() {
    return ["email", "name", "surname", "age"];

export default User;

In this example, email, name, surname and age columns can be editable by users in CREATE and UPDATE handlers. If you have a field like my_secret and you don't want to make it fillable by users, you shouldn't add it to this array. Then it will be safe and only editable by yourself.

On the other hand, you can decide different fillable column list by the HTTP method type. For example, usually, we don't want to change the email in the profile update request because it takes too many actions such as sending a confirmation email.

import { Model, HttpMethods } from "axe-api";

class Users extends Model {
  get fillable() {
    return {
      [HttpMethods.POST]: ["email", "name", "surname", "age"],
      [HttpMethods.PUT]: ["name", "surname", "age"],

export default User;

Like the code above, changing email has more complex logic because of security. So you may not want to make it editable in update actions.

Released under the MIT License.