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q (Query)

You can use almost everything on any database server. Also, it supports recursive conditions.

Simple Condition

/api/v1/users?q={ "id": 1 }
WHERE `id` = 1

Multiple Conditions

/api/v1/users?q=[ {"name": "John"}, {"surname": "Locke" } ]
WHERE `name` = 'John' AND `surname` = 'Locke'

Logical Expressions

/api/v1/users?q=[ {"name": "John"}, {"$or.surname": "Locke" } ]
WHERE `name` = 'John' OR `surname` = 'Locke'

Also, you can use the $and prefix. If you don't specify any prefix, $and will be used as default.

Recursive Conditions

   [{"name": "John"}, {"$or.surname": "Locke" }],
   [{"$or.age": 18}, {"$": 666 }]
    `name` = 'John' OR `surname` = 'Locke'
  OR (
    `age` = 18 OR `id` = 666

Parent Conditions

If there is a one-to-one relationship between the parent record, you can filter the child's data by parent's fields.

Let's assume that you have a relationship like this;

class Student extends Model {
  school(): IRelation {
    return this.hasOne("School", "id", "school_id");

class School extends Model {}

In this scenario, the client is able to query the student by the school's names;

/api/v1/students?q=[ {"$like": "*Institution*"} ]


Clients should use the relationship definition title (school in this example) in the query.

The SQL equivalent will be like this;

SELECT students.*
FROM students
LEFT JOIN schools ON = students.school_id
WHERE LIKE "%Institution%";


You can use these kinds of queries for only a one-to-one relationship. For example, you can't filter schools by student names.


You may use the following operators in all of your queries by adding the operator to the end of your field name.

OperatorRequest /api/v1/users?q=SQL (MySQL)
$not{"id.$not": 10}id <> 10
$gt{"id.$gt": 10}id > 10
$gte{"id.$gte": 10}id >= 10
$lt{"id.$lt": 10}id < 10
$lte{"id.$lte": 10}id <= 10
$like{"name.$like": "Foo*"}name LIKE 'Foo%'
$notLike{"name.$notLike": "*Foo*"}name NOT LIKE '%Foo%'
$in{"id.$in": [1,2]}id IN (1, 2)
$notIn{"id.$notIn": [1,2]}id NOT IN (1,2 )
$between{"id.$between": [1, 10]}id BETWEEN (1, 10)
$notBetween{"id.$notBetween": [1, 10]}id NOT BETWEEN (1, 10)
{"id": null}id IS NULL
$not{"id.$not": null}id IS NOT NULL

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